BioButyrin™ – enhanced bioavailability of tributyrin to support microbiome, digestive, and immune health
BerberiSOL™ – enhanced bioavailability of berberine to support weight management and blood glucose levels
CoQXorb™ – enhanced bioavailability of CoQ10, offering 39x higher bioavailability compared to conventional material
QuerceSOL – enhanced bioavailability of quercetin to support muscle soreness, inflammation caused by exercise, and seasonal allergies
EllagiSOL™ – enhanced bioavailability of ellagic acid to support inflammatory response, active lifestyle
NacPro™ – enhanced bioavailability of NAC to support glutathione production, cellular health, and healthy aging
NADPro™ – enhanced bioavailability of quercetin and niacinamide to support NAD production, energy, and mitochondrial function
ResveraSOL™ – enhanced bioavailability of resveratrol to support cardiovascular function, skin health, cognitive function, and healthy aging
ThymoPro™ – enhanced bioavailability of thymoquinone to support weight management and GI function